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Tap Into Your “Goldilocks Zone” With B2B Buyer Intent Data

Written by Andy Golden | Aug 18, 2020 4:00:00 AM

We’re all familiar with the story of Goldilocks, right? If not, it’s the tale of a girl faced with the choice between three sets of options, and spoiler alert, she ignores the two extremes (too hot, and too cold) in favor of the middle option that is “just right.” 

Much like the decisions facing Goldilocks, many potential leads out there are either too hot or too cold and unfortunately, we can’t always rely on our target accounts to raise their hands when they are interested. 

Think of a typical B2B buyer’s journey like the three options facing Goldilocks. At one end, a buyer in the early stages of their search might not fully understand the problem they are trying to solve, or might not be ready to enter into a sales cycle with any company. At the other end, a buyer who has already made up their mind about which technology and vendor to purchase from is unlikely to be swayed by even the best sales pitches. But a company that falls in the middle – now there’s the sweet spot. 

By leveraging first-paty intent data tracking on your website you can gather valuable information about which companies are in the market and what they’re looking for. In this article, we’ll walk you through the world of intent data in the context of B2B marketing and sales. We'll also show you how to gather first-party intent data across your website, and how to use it to see which accounts are at the right stage of the buying cycle for your sales and marketing teams to target. 

With this data at your fingertips, you’ll be empowered to take action on more potential leads and engage with those accounts that are “just right.”

Read the full article on G2’s learning hub.