Reverse IP lookup technology provides information about the domain name behind an IP address. B2B marketers use this information to build account target account lists and track campaign effectiveness.
Let's imagine for a moment you are an archeologist, and you’ve stumbled upon a massive chest of buried treasure. Inside this chest are hundreds of artifacts - all of them potentially valuable but can...
What does Account-based marketing (ABM) have in common with Tetris®? We're glad you asked! The answer is simple: In order to succeed, you must build a “stack” of elements that perfectly fit...
At KickFire, we always tout the ability to turn anonymous leads into sales leads. So in this article, we’re going to walk you step by step exactly how it’s done and how (with the right tools and...
2020 was a crazy year. There’s no way to overstate it. Looking back on this past year, it’s hard to imagine how anyone could have predicted just how much the account-based marketing landscape would...
In light of everything happening in the world right now, it might seem to be a little dramatic to call what’s happening with third-party cookies an “apocalypse,” but hear me out.
Work from home, telecommuting, remote work, whatever you call it, right now most of us are doing it. This has changed the way people live, work, and play, but it has also changed the way people and...
In a perfect world, a company has a problem, they come to you, and you sell them the solution. On paper, it’s so simple. So why does this happen so rarely? There are countless reasons but many of...
First off, for all you Star Trek fans out there, I know "Final Frontier" sounds better, but the title should really be "ABM's Final Hurdle." Why? Because monitoring campaign effectiveness is often...
The look on Ben Franklin’s face says it all, he’s disappointed, he doesn’t like it when you waste your money, and I'm sure you don't either. If you’re advertising on Google or any other search...
I’d like to say we came up with the acronym F.I.R.E. since it fits so nicely with our name, but unfortunately, we didn’t, that was just a happy coincidence. F.I.R.E. stands for fit, intent, recency,...
Take a minute to think about your current marketing strategy. If you’re reading this blog post, you’re probably already doing, or have at least heard of account-based marketing (if not, check out...
Account-based marketing is not a new concept. It’s been proven that personalization enhances customer experience, increases leads, and ultimately, drives more sales. But whether you’re a seasoned...
We’ve seen the writing on the wall that using third-party cookies for digital marketing wouldn’t last. For years, the amount of data marketers have been able to gather using cookies has been...